Tell Me What You Need

I find that audiences are far better served through provocation and by challenging them with new ideas or new perspectives than they are with commiseration, pandering, and “comfort food” (which many presentations resemble). Of course, the speaker must be calibrated toward helping others and not self-aggrandizing. If you’re receiving 10s on feedback sheets and standing ovations at every presentation, the odds are that you’re simply not doing a very good job improving others’ lives with the speaker’s you’ve chosen.

Speaking engagements, training, workshops or meeting facilitations are available in a variety of lengths including keynotes (up to two consecutive hours), three-hour, or six-hour presentations. An optional one-hour debrief can be added to most presentations.

Is your organization interested in learning how to:

  • improve Guest service
  • boost employee engagement
  • discover how leadership can earn trust
  • create a Guest-centric culture
  • improve sales and profits
  • increasing marketing efficacy
  • building for growth
  • getting more involved in your community
  • improve operational efficiencies
  • expand cross-training opportunities
  • increase cost controls efficacy
  • add additional revenue generators

Recent Feedback

[stm_quote quote=”“Jeffrey’s real-world experiences intermingled with the presentation kept me interested and tuned in to what he was saying. I could have continued listening for hours more.””][stm_quote quote=”“Jeffrey was entertaining, had great examples, was well prepared, and had something relevant to provide us as front-line employees.””][stm_quote quote=”“I thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. I left with great ideas for improvement to the service we provide our Guests and also the employees I work with everyday.””][stm_quote quote=”“This presentation should be mandatory for every Hospitality employee. There are many situations where these everyday interactions with Guests are not utilized or have been replaced with transactional thinking. It really challenges you to raise the bar higher.””]
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1. Join my BizWorx™ Coaching program and start growing your business the very day you start. I help business leaders rapidly grow their businesses with sustainability. If this fast growth interests you, call me at +1 817-797-2929 and talk to me about your opportunity at no charge.

2. Engage me in  a GrowthWorx™ Consulting Project and finally set your business on the road to rapid and sustainable growth.

3. Conduct an Onsite Review in order to create a blueprint for growing your business in the coming year.

4. Have me Facilitate A Strategy Session for your leadership team. Most of our clients now do this every 6 months and it has provided the needed focus and accountability necessary to achieve sustainable growth.

5. Have questions? Let’s Talk! Contact me to discuss your opportunity with no obligation to you for the first conversation.

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