This is a list (in no particular order) of our core beliefs for building great hospitality businesses. We predicate all of our operational philosophies and client outcomes on these beliefs.
- The Guest Experience & the Employee Experience are the most important (only) products you offer. Both are social experiences to be celebrated not transactions to be aggregated.
- Attracting “A” level talent is a function of great experiences. Recruiting is a function of poorly managed operations.
- People are your only asset. Everything else is a commodity.
- Profitability has a direct correlation to the value of the experience you offer through your ability to demand premium pricing.
- Marketing is the only thing that makes you money. Everything else is a cost.
- Marketing involves every aspect of the Guest Experience – from the website to the parking lot and from the restrooms to the final payment and beyond.
- Everyone is involved in marketing your business – from the host/doorman/receptionist/cashier to the dishwasher/server/maid/cashier to the vendors you utilize.
- Great operations are the foundation of great marketing. You cannot have or execute great marketing with badly managed businesses.
- Great businesses do not focus on cost-cutting at the expense of building top-line sales. Nor do they use cost-cutting as a growth engine. You cannot shrink your way to greatness.
- Great systems and processes are the foundation of greater profitability. They must be part of your businesses DNA.
- You attract “A” level talent to execute great systems and processes. You do not build systems and processes for the talent.
- Ongoing Training and Coaching are core investments for great businesses. They cannot be considered costs that must be cut in times of downturns. They are also your greatest differentiators.
- Market share is irrelevant. Target markets are critical.
- Discounting is antithetical to great businesses that offer a greater and differentiated guest experience. It kills your business.
- The economy has nothing to do with your success or failure.
- Great businesses embrace change as a core value.
- Business strategy must be synthesized with core values. When it is not, businesses fail.
- “Fun” and “Celebration”must be core values.
- All Marketing must be “local” to be effective. Your target market is the community you serve and this must be the focus for your business.
- Great businesses are profitable from “Day 1”. The idea that it takes X number of days/weeks/months/years to become profitable in the hospitality business is a lie.
- The days of “slow” and “soft” anything are over (slow opens, soft rollouts, etc…). Never, ever, practice on a guest.
- Mom & pop retired. Today’s operators need to understand and execute more complexity than they did just 5 years ago.
- Good service is not the same thing as great hospitality. Service (technical inputs) is only the foundation for hospitality(emotional outputs).
- Your business is a direct reflection of who you are , who you employ and the processes you utilize to create meaningfully differentiated experiences.
- Behaviors that create emotional attachments drive loyalty, not points or low prices. Real, organic loyalty cannot be bought.
- Developing guest loyalty is incumbent upon your ability to engage people at all touchpoints on an emotional level.
- Retail marketing strategies (transactional thinking) do not work with hospitality businesses. The products of each are not related. However, hospitality strategies and processes should be utilized by retail businesses.
- Innovation is the goal, not problem solving.
- The Golden Rule never was. You can’t treat people how you want to be treated and expect success. You have to treat them how they want to be treated.
- “Best Practices” and “Rules of Thumb” result in commodity businesses. Do the science but create your own art.
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