QFO: Why do hostesses at restaurants make small talk as they seat you?

QFO: Why do hostesses at restaurants make small talk as they seat you?

My top 5:

1. They’re not trained well.

2. The wrong person was hired for the job.

3. The operator doesn’t understand the role of the host.

4. Because it’s what everyone else does.

5. Because the host doesn’t know how to engage with real people.

The job of the host is to create the best first impression possible for the Guest’s experience. That means, make it personal and impressive.

Which also means you need to know the Guest.

Small talk tells me you don’t care to treat me any better than a total stranger. And that’s not Hospitality.

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Jeffrey Summers
For four decades, my Coaching, Consulting, & Learning Events have helped thousands of hospitality leaders worldwide, build successful businesses. Call or text me at +1-817-797-2929 or email me at Jeffrey@JeffreySummers.com.

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