QFO: Why do you think there is a poor employee management structure within the hospitality industry?

Whoa boy buckle up…

  1. Poor leadership
  2. Transactional thinking
  3. Short-term thinking
  4. No thinking
  5. A complete misunderstanding about the dynamics of growth.
  6. A complete misunderstanding about the import of mission.
  7. A complete misunderstanding about marketing.
  8. A complete misunderstanding about training and Coaching.
  9. A complete misunderstanding about influence.
  10. A complete misunderstanding about community.
  11. On and On and On…
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Digging Deeper

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Your One-On-One?

The two choices you have are: To step forward into growth or
remain in your death spiral.

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For four decades, my Coaching, Consulting, & Learning Events have helped thousands of hospitality leaders worldwide, build successful businesses. Call or text me at +1-817-797-2929 or email me at Jeffrey@JeffreySummers.com.