The Top 10 Components To A Successful Hospitality Marketing Plan

marketing compass
marketing compass

1. Execution. You have to walk the talk. Every part of the guest experience has to be executed or no amount of external marketing will help your business grow.

2. Effective positioning. Who are you to your guests? Are you offering any differentiated value or are you just another commodity business in your market?

3. Great storytelling. How good are you at telling your story? What’s your “story”? It’s who are you, what your business is about, what you do, the value you offer and why.

4. The UEP or “Unique Experience Proposition”. How do you connect socially with your target market in delivering a guest experience worth being loyal to?

5. The right media. What media will you use to deliver your message? Why? How? Who? How much should you budget for marketing?

6. Results. What measurement tools will you use to determine success? Effective business marketing must be built on a strategic foundation of thorough analysis of the facts (the numbers) about the market, your competition, your guests, financial history, marketing history, the industry, and outside forces that will impact your business.

7. Culture. How will you create the proper culture to support your marketing efforts and create buy-in from every stakeholder? How much of your budget do you need to allocate to new trial versus building loyalty?

8. Defining your guest. Who is your target market? Why? How do you know? Will it change? How often? How will you monitor it? What percentage of your business is new vs. repeat? How frequently do they show up? What’s your check average? Do guests primarily visit alone, in twos or in groups?

9. Context. What’s the context for everything you do? Menu? Location? Marketing mix? Pricing? Offerings? Services? Production? Service?

10. Accountability. Who will do what? Why? Who has the expertise to execute properly? Do you have it? Can you afford it? Is it the proper expertise?

Are you thinking this is more complex than running a few ads or a few tweets? I hope so.

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For four decades, my Coaching, Consulting, & Learning Events have helped thousands of hospitality leaders worldwide, build successful businesses. Call or text me at +1-817-797-2929 or email me at